
Prayas Shetkari Samrudhi Yojana

This is latest activity started by Prayas Youth Foundation to work with farmers. We want to transform the rural economy and environment by roping in small, marginal and the most Vulnerable to climate change Farmers. We provide them fruit bearing trees with minimal cost, guidance for Organic farming and help to get better prices in the market. This is beneficial…

Save trees Campaign

Awareness among people about importance of the trees and to stop cutting the trees. We protest in the form of Re-plantation of trees from the same seeds of the cut down tree. Demonstrations at public events like wearing oxygen Pump to depict our future without trees, harms of Polluted air. Making posters and wall paintings, Celebrating Eco-friendly festivals. Like, Holi…

Environment Awareness Programs

Awareness is the first step of bringing the change. We believe in working for the people and with the people. Our millennials are well versed with climate change and now we just need to aware them with possible solutions and methods. The power of youth is immense and we tend to be the fuel to ignite the fire. Thus, various…

Eco Friendly Ganesh Festivals

Prayas always promotes celebrating all the festivals in eco-friendly way. Thus we every year promote making the eco-friendly ganesha idols. Eco-friendly Ganesha idols are those that are made of clay, natural fibers, paper and other biodegradable materials. These idols, when immersed in water degrade faster and do not harm the environment as much as the ones made of POP.  


Our Prayas is not only to plant tree but to increase green cover. We have been successfully maintaining the survival rate of 95% of our plantation. For any plantation we do, we carry out 3 years of assured maintenance and monitoring as after that trees become self-sustainable.